Testimonial Vemekep S.A.
- Location:
- Core business:
- Founded:
- Greece
- Steel fabrication
- 1983
“The new drilling/sawing system reduced production costs by 75% and increased productivity by 50% making it the most valuable system in the production line.”
Vemekep S.A.
Vemekep S.A. was established in 1983 by Mr. Miltiadis Antzouris. The company consists of two workshops. Both workshops specialize in industrial projects and the fabrication and erection of steel structures. More specifically the new very modern industrial facility is a covered hall of 17.000 m2. It consists of two main production halls (width 25 m, length 250 m) equipped with several 20 ton and 10 ton overhead cranes and several advanced CNC controlled machines producing steel structures fabrications. The main activities of the company include:
- Fabrication and erection of heavy steel structures
- Engineering, design, fabrication and erection of complete steel structures, roofing and cladding of buildings
- Storage tanks and silos
- Bulk material transportation facilities
- Fabrication and installation of overhead bridge/gantry cranes
Investment in Voortman equipment
Within the manufacturing facility Voortman installed a Voortman V200 Plate drilling system. After this installation, Vemekep decided to add a Voortman V630/VB1050 Drilling/sawing system, which reduced production costs by 75% and increased productivity by 50% making this latest addition one of the most valuable machines in the production line.