Red Tooling System
Prevent from running out of stock
Do you know that feeling that you are always looking for the right tools to complete that particular job? To finish that job there’s no time to waste. So, you simply want to move on quickly. And you certainly can't use downtime of your machine(s) because parts are letting you down or consumables are not in stock. Let's be honest: time is money. And there’s one more thing to pay attention to: the quality of your end product. In order to deliver the best quality, you are depending on the tools you use.
Voortman understands that. Progressive as we are, we always look at new opportunities and new applications. Our Red Tooling System (RTS) is such an example of innovative development.

The RTS is a stock cabinet that will be filled with the tooling and consumables you need for your business operations. It is a reassuring thought that you have all the tools for all your machines available at one central point in your shop.
Automatic ordering process
The RTS-system is equipped with smart software to give you insights and maintain your stock levels. From your office you can see at a glance on the dashboard what the current stock level is. When (part of) your stock needs to be replenished, we’ll receive a notification. Shortly afterwards we will send you the parts you need to replenish the stock. With RTS we help you with your tool management and ordering process. Because of the automatic ordering process there are always (new) tools available that fit your machines or program. Maximum uptime of your machines is guaranteed. So, you don’t have to worry about the continuity and the quality of your production process.
The main benefits of RTS in short:
- Maintaining stock levels
- Increasing processing up-time
- Ensuring product quality
- Centralized location for all tools
- Always the right tool at your disposal
- Fully automated ordering process
- Dashboarding for process insights
- Perfect combination with Voortman's Service Labels