  • Plate
  • Plasma
  • Cutting
  • Drilling
  • Quality
  • Manufacturing
  • Fabrication
  • Automation

What can you do to reduce part post-processing and increase part quality?

Post-processing is an essential stage in the manufacturing process where parts get the finishing touch for high quality results. To save time and costs in post-processing and get high quality parts, Voortman came up with several solutions to prevent from slag formation during and reduce burr after your parts have been drilled.

Preventing from slag formation during cutting - Dross inhibitor

Slag formation during piercing is a common problem with plasma cutting. The blast from piercing creates a volcanic effect which blows molten metal over your material, which needs to be removed manually. The dross on the cutting path, destroys your cut quality. Therefore, Voortman developed the 'Dross inhibitor’ which is equipped on the entire plate cutting machine range.

The Dross Inhibitor sprays oil at the piercing area just before piercing, preventing slag formation. The volcanic effect still happens but the molten metal hits the oil layer and a mirror-effect occurs. The slag bounces at the oil layer and has no chance of attaching the plate. This significantly reduces the post processing time and increases your cutting quality and ultimately costs will be reduced.

Plate cutting machines
with dross inhibitor

Voortman V310 The ultimate, most complete cutting and drilling flexible plate processing machine

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Voortman V325 Pass-through plate processing with automated unloading for small part production.

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Top and bottom side deburring to increase quality

Deburring has become an important part of the workflow in order to meet current quality standards and produce immediately available finished products. Therefore, some Voortman machines like the V325 and V200 come equipped with an automatic deburring unit for bottom side deburring.

This unique automatic deburring feature reduces your total costs per part up to 30%, versus running deburring and edge finishing operations with precision parts manually. The deburring unit also contributes to an extended drill lifetime since replacement is not necessary when burr is created by worn down drills. There is also no fear of injuries from burrs by operators while handling the parts. Top side deburring of the material is sometimes needed as well, which can be done with the countersink tool on all Voortman plate drilling and cutting machines.

Plate machines
with bottom side deburring

Voortman V325 Pass-through plate processing with automated unloading for small part production.

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