Customer Service Labels
Get all the best from Voortman’s Customer Services and Parts & Consumables
We want to make sure that your machines will always run as optimally as possible and to maintain the best output against low operational costs and better tool life. Therefore, we provide fast and efficient service through our Voortman Customer Services team. Our service team provides support, on-site services, maintenance, parts & consumables, monitoring and training.
To maintain the best output you desire from your equipment, Voortman supports its partners all over the world before, during and after delivering a machine. Voortman can assist you in a variety of ways and therefore offers extra services in the form of Labels with different colors: White, Grey and Red. Depending on the specific needs of our customers, you can increase the level of service and support with the different labels. Each Label includes additional support options and additional discounts as well as various aspects of service such as guaranteed response time and training.
With the Voortman Customer Service Labels we are taking a new step in combining the best of providing services to maintain the machine in the best conditions and providing parts & consumables to produce on the machine(s) we supply. By adding a Voortman Customer Service Label you will improve the quality and longevity of your machine as well as its results.
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Voortman’s Customer Service Labels, as well as Voortman's Customer Service, use the Support Module as starting point. We offer a discount on the Support Module based on the Customer Service Label you choose. Each label level, offers an additional discount on the Support Module.

Our White Label covers all the preventative maintenance needs for your machine(s). Full support, a periodic on-site preventative maintenance check and discounts on support, service and training are included.
The Grey Label also covers all the preventative maintenance needs for your machine(s). But by committing to a threshold value on consumable purchase, an additional discount on the Support Module will apply on this Label in addition to the other additional benefits of the Grey Label.
The Red Label provides the fastest response time and full discounts on support, service and training and covers all the preventative maintenance needs for your machine(s). To get the most out of your Voortman equipment, Voortman will include a monitoring system. With your permission, Voortman will monitor your system remotely and actively collect and use production data. With this module you will receive the full discount on the Support Module.

All you need to get the most out of your Voortman machines!
In consultation with your Voortman account manager, you will be advised on the most suitable Customer Service Label that best matches your needs and your production demands. Do not hesitate to contact us and request more information about your possibilities!